Programs and Events

Upcoming Events

Tri-County Uplift Gathering


Location TBD

LIFT America is an outreach ministry of CEAI and is part of a national movement to empower, encourage and equip Christians working in public schools.

LIFT America

Online Prepare2Share Bible Classes

"The God You May Not Know"

Dr. David Jeremiah


If you want to move from knowing about God to Knowing God please join us for this Prepare2Share Bible Class. The class will be via Zoom (a free web platform) and consist of a video presentation by Dr. Jeremiah followed by questions, key concepts, and a class discussion led by Dr. Jane Cahaly.

This is a non-denominational study open to everyone who wants to be better prepared to "Disciple the Next Generation". Participation details will be posted at a later date.



Location TBD

Do you want to experience more of Jesus in you and with you at your school?
Do you need more freedom from obstacles that hinder your impact? Join us for AWAKE—a one-day transformational experience for Christian educators that opens our eyes to how God is using us as His ambassadors and then frees us to work more powerfully with Jesus. Is He inviting you to come AWAKE to your calling?

GrandCamps is a unique, grand faith adventure for grandparents and their grade-school age grandchildren focused on leaving a faith-legacy for the next generations. Through purposeful activities that grandparents and grandchildren experience together, to discovering from God’s Word what it means to walk in the truth, to building a treasure chest of life-changing memories—all in an environment that invites having a pile of fun—this will be a time for building memories that will last a lifetime! We also offer a single day Grand Day Out event for churches, as well as our Do-It-Yourself Field Guide for grandparents who would like to do their own family Grand Camp.


Past Events

Saturday, October 29th 11:00AM-1:00PM


Click here to watch the full training

Grandparents Count!
“...it isn’t what you take with you it’s what you leave behind!”

Sherry and Debbie will examine the pages of Scripture and uncover what the Bible says about our role as grandparents.

Discover what it means to leave a Gospel-shaped Legacy. Learn practical ways to share your faith stories with your grandchildren, offer them the gift of the spoken blessing, and commit yourselves as prayer warriors regularly interceding on their behalf.

Discover how you can start a ministry at your church!

Monday, October 31st 11:00AM-1:00PM

Grandparents Count!
“...it isn’t what you take with you it’s what you leave behind!”

Sherry and Debbie will examine the pages of Scripture and uncover what the Bible says about our role as grandparents.

Discover what it means to leave a Gospel-shaped Legacy. Learn practical ways to share your faith stories with your grandchildren, offer them the gift of the spoken blessing, and commit yourselves as prayer warriors regularly interceding on their behalf.

Discover how you can start a ministry at your church!

Saturday, March 12th, 2022

Inaugural Luncheon
“Working Together to be Salt and Light to the Next Generation”

Keynote Speaker
Finn Laursen is currently serving as an Educational Consultant for Christian Educators Association International.

CEAI (ceai.org) is a professional association for Christian educators in public schools. Prior to serving for 14 years as Executive
Director of Christian Educators Association, Finn was a public school educator in Ohio for 32 years: teacher, middle school
& high school counselor, middle school & high school assistant principal, high school principal, and the last 11 years public
school superintendent.


Click Here to Watch Full Program

Finn Laursen is currently serving as an Educational Consultant for Christian Educators Association International. CEAI (www.ceai.org) is a professional association for Christian educators in both public and private schools.  Most of its members are in public schools and they are, in fact, the only national association specifically serving Christian educators in our public schools and have done so since 1953.  Their focus is to encourage, equip, and empower Christian educators to make a positive impact in the schools where they serve.

Since CEAI provides professional liability and legal representation when needed, many Christian educators are leaving the traditional teachers unions to receive their support from CEAI.

Prior to serving for 14 years as Executive Director of Christian Educators Association, Finn was a public school educator in Ohio for 32 years: teacher, middle school & high school counselor, middle school & high school assistant principal, high school principal, and the last 11 years public school superintendent.

Over the past 20 years he has traveled around the country as a speaker and trainer about legal freedoms in our public schools.  He has presented in such venues as the National School Board Association Conventions, State Administrators Association Conventions, as well as provided training for ministry leaders in ministries such as Youth For Christ, First Priority, Young Life and Sports World.

Finn has testified as an expert witness for educators in local and federal court and led CEAI as a plaintiff in the Friedrichs vs CTA recently heard at the US Supreme Court attempting to stop forced unionism.

Notable Quotables, Old Sayings and Wise Words From a Christian World View to be Shared with the Next Generation.

